martes, 10 de julio de 2007

Tap tap...tap this thing on?

Did I say something about posting a couple of times a week?


Sorry about that.

Life has been a whirlwind of activity since I last posted.

I visited these lovely people for a couple of days in Playa del Coco...

who live in a condo on the beach where these adorable creatures roam...

Then I mostly finished up my field work in Arenal and moved back to San Jose, shortly after which this guy came to visit for a few days...

We first went to Monteverde where we saw some amazing wildlife...

then headed to Mal Pais...

where we did this...

while watching this...

I also might be getting some work done. Maybe. ;)

Love and hugs to all of you.

2 comentarios:

Lin dijo...

Hey Gaby

Once a month is better than nonce.

The loosers lab is empty and echo-y.

what wonderful pix - I'm glad you had time to enjoy beach sunsets with that guy who came to visit you...

Yael dijo...

Hi Gaby,

Thanks for the update! Love the photo storybook. Seems dreamy, would love to be there. Things are well here, hot and dry and far away from the ocean, take a swim for me. Hope to be in FL to visit in Nov.
Miss you.